Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The Early Rides....

The early rides in 2010 was a mixture of offroad PCC Broga Stage 1-4 and road funride in Putrajaya, Beranang, etc..Azhar at the front picture below was our Guru at the early stage..leading the rides at Broga..advising on technicals...motivating by repeating "dah nak sampai...dekat jer...depan tu ada kedai jual teh o ais limau"...ehheheehhe...those were the days..

PCC Broga Stage 2 (6/1/2010)
(28 km , riding hours 9.00am - 3.00pm...some people literally throw their bicycle aside!!..hahaha)
the route...

first time meet Nasrul the trail seeker...
beginning of the ride...so smooth...
the killing 'Bukit Botak'...1000ft to climb..
lots of R&R here...heheheheh
later...rewarded with nearly 5km long downhill....
Sg Pening (7/2/2010)
(19 km , 3++ hours!!..the dreaded "Bukit Botak"...long downhill...)

The Beginning...

Caught up with the cycling mania in late 2009....
1st bike was Exitway XC Race 9 speed ..or rather 27 speed (3x9 gears)...
Shimano Deore...Tektro mechanical brake..total weight nearly 14kg....
felt that was the best bike for me...at that point of time off course!!!
RM 1,700 for a new MTB felt so expensive back then!!
last time i bought a bicycle was a few hundred ringgit only...
and it was a nice chromed BMX!!!

first outdoor riding was Dec 2009 (how do I remember it?...from Facebook timeline ...lol)
Broga area PCC Stage 1 was the first offroad trail...
we park somewhere in front of Nottingham University (in Semenyih...not UK...lol)
...and the journey began....hehehehe

last time we don't need cycling jersey to ride...jogging shoes, football shirt and tracksuit with helmet are what we needed...but it was fun..
this small slope seems like a mountain to climb for beginners like us..

but reaching at the top of  a bald hill that's reminds us of the Prarie...priceless
although it took us 5 hours for a 20++km offroad... hehehehe

that's how my cyling journey began...